Corporate Social Responsibility

Unscripted Safaris is a socially conscious organization. We keep the well-being of our land and its inhabitants front of mind with everything we do and try to leave a positive impact every day we work here.

Plastic-Free Safaris
Unscripted Safaris started by banning throw-away lunch boxes - and we serve hot lunches while on safari. This is not only delicious - but also great for the environment. And now we figured out a solution for the single-use water bottles! We have installed racks for refillable 20-liter water containers in the back of our safari jeeps. So you have unlimited fresh drinking water on your safari - without any of the plastic waste! When you travel with Unscripted Safaris you help us create a plastic-free Africa.

Plant a Tree
Unscripted Safaris has partnered with One Tree Planted to maintain and restore our beloved continent. By supporting reforestation in the delicate ecosystems of our African home, we are making sure that this beautiful land will be around for much longer, so that it can continue to give life to its inhabitants, and that we can continue to enjoy its wonder. When you travel with Unscripted Safaris you leave Africa greener than you found it

Equal Opportunity Employer
Unscripted Safaris is an equal opportunity employer, empowering both local male and female guides. When you travel with Unscripted Safaris you increase diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace in Africa.

Sustainability Policy
Our sustainability policy is dedicated to minimizing our environmental footprint and promoting eco-friendly practices throughout our operations.